Grief is a funny thing, isn't it?
One day you may think you have it under control; the next you're struggling to find your bearings...
I experienced a little of that this Sunday as our church explored Hebrews 12:1-3 in conjunction with our study of 1 Timothy.In this passage, we are encouraged to continue the race set before us and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus-a tradition passed on throughout the generations from grandmothers to mothers and so on.In fact, it even goes as far as to say "they are cloud of witnesses" watching to see how we endure the trials of this life. Depending on how you take this, it can be an encouragement or ove overwhelming weight to carry.
Which brings to the pictures of my grandparents above. In the first picture is my grandmother (on my mom's side) holding one of her grandchildren. The second is that my dad's parents. Each of them were amazing example of faith in action, despite having to deal with severe and unexpected illnesses and blindness.
I sometimes wonder, though, whether I have held up to their legacy. I guess I won't know until I see them again!