Welcome Back Readers~
I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday with family and friends; I certainly did. Some of my favorite gifts included a Ultimate Harmony remote which allows me to control several devices such as my Amazon fire and my TiVo all through my Alexa simply by using my voice. For example, I can say, "go to 240" and it switch the channel as requested. I can also turn up the volume of the TV by simply saying, "Turn up the volume." In order to switch to the Amazon fire,I, I simply ask Alexa to "turn on Fire TV,"; I don't have to ask my personal assistant to switch inputs because it does so automatically
This remote does require some programming experience in order to make the devices work together to complete complex demands.
For more information on harmony products, please go to:
The Nest thermostat was my next favorite present; this assistive technology works to with the app as well as Alexa to control your thermostat. It also has the ability to recognize when you are away from the home and lower the temperature: when you return, it will increase to a preset temperature.
For more information on Nest technology, please go to:
The last assistive technology is clearly not yet; but Toyota is doing its best to make the lives of quadriplegics a whole lot better with the introduction of a personal assistant robot that retrieves drinks
Friday, December 29, 2017
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Reflections on The Christmas Season
Dearest Readers,
Last week begun the traditional start to the holiday season; for the first time I can remember, our church has decided to continue the tradition of lighting candles until Christmas.. This week's candle was the Candle of Hope.
But hope for what?
Financial stability??
True love??
Continued health and wellness in the new year??
Last week begun the traditional start to the holiday season; for the first time I can remember, our church has decided to continue the tradition of lighting candles until Christmas.. This week's candle was the Candle of Hope.
But hope for what?
Financial stability??
True love??
Continued health and wellness in the new year??
The Oxford dictionary defines hope as “A feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen”. Peter said we have a “living hope” and this is that we have an inheritance of eternal life kept for us in Heaven. (1 Pet 3:3-5). Our faith is focused on this - “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). So, what is our hope? It is eternal life. And in Whom is our hope? It is in Jesus Christ (1 Timothy ).
Throughout the generations, Christians have lost their awe for what happened the night of Jesus's birth- how everything came to pass as was prophesied. I'm not saying we should forget God's kind and compassionate character, but it is only when we acknowledge our need for Him that we can truly comprehend God's master plan of allowing us to point others toward Jesus himself. Or as Isaiah put it in Isaiah 6:5-8:
"Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Take for example Jefferson Moore's A Perfect Stranger movie trilogy. Although the premise of the movies are nice in theory (because Jesus did come down to earth to live among us to spread the gospel news) these movies tend to gloss over how powerful God truly is and what he is truly capable of..
This brings me back to my original question: How Do We Get Back To The True Meaning of Christmas?
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
I Believe- In Memory of Della Reese
Dearest Readers,
It is with deep sorrow that I report that Della Reese has passed away at the age of 86,best known for her role as Tess in the series, Touched By An Angel, Reese made us believe in every day miracles. Debuting in 1994, the series centered around a group of angels sent down to help humans find hope in the midst of their daily struggles here on earth; the main message of "God loves you " being a central theme of every episode. Created by Martha Williamson, the show lasted nine seasons on CBS, conquering many controversial topics such as homelessness, mental illness and other other tragedies like 9/11 It taught audiences that for those that believe in Jesus, there is no fear in death-with the introduction of The Angel Of Death (portrayed albeit ironically by actor John Dye) Dye was not the stereo typical angel of death- dark and scary; instead, he spread God's light- both figuratively and literally with a message of hope and faith until they saw God for themselves.
I myself looked forward to every Sunday when for one hour I was reminded about the real possibility of Angels walking among us. In a world that barely recognizes Jesus anymore (aside from church and family life) I was given hope that someone is watching over me- either God himself or Angels of past relatives. God knows where I have been and knows where I am going because he's already there. He is there even though I may not always feel him.
In her last sighting out, Della Reese was asked about her belief in Angels. I believe her response says it best:
"..Everybody needs an angel in their life,what he left us to help us through was faith.."
Rest In Peace Della Reese!
More inspirational clips of Della Reese:
It is with deep sorrow that I report that Della Reese has passed away at the age of 86,best known for her role as Tess in the series, Touched By An Angel, Reese made us believe in every day miracles. Debuting in 1994, the series centered around a group of angels sent down to help humans find hope in the midst of their daily struggles here on earth; the main message of "God loves you " being a central theme of every episode. Created by Martha Williamson, the show lasted nine seasons on CBS, conquering many controversial topics such as homelessness, mental illness and other other tragedies like 9/11 It taught audiences that for those that believe in Jesus, there is no fear in death-with the introduction of The Angel Of Death (portrayed albeit ironically by actor John Dye) Dye was not the stereo typical angel of death- dark and scary; instead, he spread God's light- both figuratively and literally with a message of hope and faith until they saw God for themselves.
I myself looked forward to every Sunday when for one hour I was reminded about the real possibility of Angels walking among us. In a world that barely recognizes Jesus anymore (aside from church and family life) I was given hope that someone is watching over me- either God himself or Angels of past relatives. God knows where I have been and knows where I am going because he's already there. He is there even though I may not always feel him.
In her last sighting out, Della Reese was asked about her belief in Angels. I believe her response says it best:
"..Everybody needs an angel in their life,what he left us to help us through was faith.."
Rest In Peace Della Reese!
More inspirational clips of Della Reese:
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
THE MAN WHO INVENTED CHRISTMAS | Official Trailer | In theaters this Tha...
Dear Readers,
With Thanksgiving almost here, I hope everybody is time with family and friends- I certainly am. even though it seems like a quiet one, I intend to make the best of it going to the movies with my mom and dad. One of them will possibly be The Man Who Invented Christmas. Although the title is a little deceiving because Jesus was and always is the reason we have Christmas, this movie tells the story of a writer (Charles Dickens) struggling with writer's block. As Charles Dickens (Dan Stevens IV) looks around for ideas, the characters for A Christmas Carol began to come alive for him. With big stars as Christopher Plummer as Scrooge and Jonathan Pryce as John Dickens,it should be a interesting one. I hope to see this movie during my Christmas break, I kind of relate to it being a writer..
For more information about the movie, please go to:
With Thanksgiving almost here, I hope everybody is time with family and friends- I certainly am. even though it seems like a quiet one, I intend to make the best of it going to the movies with my mom and dad. One of them will possibly be The Man Who Invented Christmas. Although the title is a little deceiving because Jesus was and always is the reason we have Christmas, this movie tells the story of a writer (Charles Dickens) struggling with writer's block. As Charles Dickens (Dan Stevens IV) looks around for ideas, the characters for A Christmas Carol began to come alive for him. With big stars as Christopher Plummer as Scrooge and Jonathan Pryce as John Dickens,it should be a interesting one. I hope to see this movie during my Christmas break, I kind of relate to it being a writer..
For more information about the movie, please go to:
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Same Kind of Different as Me Trailer #2 (2017) | Movieclips Trailers
Welcome Back Readers~
Although I didn't have a chance to see this movie in theaters, it intrigued me enough to read the book. This book is told from two distinct perspective, that of a upper-class well educated white man andl a homeless African-American. I only point out the race because each influences how they see the other in the beginning but by the end, race doesn't seem to matter. After Ron Hall and his wife Deborah experience some marital difficulties, the struggle to find ways to reconnect. That's when Deborah brings up the idea of helping out at the homeless mission in Texas. It is then when she reveals a dream that God laid on her heart to help out here and of a "friend" that would help them change the city. At first, Ron shakes it off as just a dream, but when Denver enters the picture Deborah is sure he's the one from her dream.
"Become his friend," she encourages.
Obviously taken aback, Ron is unsure.
On the other hand, Denver is wary of anyone who works at the mission. He believes anyone who comes to help is just doing their holiday duty to make themselves feel better. But when they return every Tuesday, his attitudes began to change. Through friendship, Ron develops a deeper understanding of Denver's perspective on people and why the is wary of them. Time passes and the two become closer. It is when Deborah develops cancer that Denver becomes part of the family.
On a personal note, there are a lot of quotes in this book that I found full of wisdom One such quote being that we are all homeless waiting to be taken up to heaven where God is waiting for us (I think Denver puts it better in his book; it is also a quote in the trailer above) Denver also believes that some people see friendship as a catch and release psychology- here today, gone tomorrow-but if he's your friend, he's a friend for life.
I highly recommend this book although the first half is kind of slow and it takes a while to get involved in the plot
daily life,
Monday, November 6, 2017
Reflections on The Book of Jonah
Dear Readers,
This Sunday our church started a four-week series on the
book of Jonah; I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the story, but I
will try to summarize it for you. In short, Jonah is a prophet of God who is
called to preach to the people of Nineveh. However, Jonah didn't want to go
because he thought the people there to wicked and set in their ways to repent.
Instead, he fled to Tarshish by boat. During the trip, the boat encounters a
storm-; in the midst of it all, everyone (except Jonah is afraid they are going
to die. (Jonah is asleep and completely oblivious.) Finally out of options, they
go to him and ask asking what to do. Jonah realizes God is disappointed in him
and he is the cause for everything. He then tells the shipmates to throw him
overboard. But God is not through with him yet; he causes a whale to swallow
him and he stays there for three days and nights. After which, the whale throws
up and spits Jonah on land. From there, he sets out to Nineveh and preaches and
surprisingly they repent.. That is the gist of it.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Wonder (2017 Movie) Official Trailer #2 - “Brand New Eyes” – Julia Rober...
Welcome Back Guys
I'm really looking forward to this movie which highlights the struggles of mainstreaming people with disabilities into public schools. Based on the New York bestseller, this movie follows August Pullman as he struggles to fit in on his first day of middle school; it's kind of hard though seeing as he was born with facial deformities that cause him to stand out in the crowd. This movie features an outstanding cast of Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson,Jacob Tremblay, Mandy Patinkin, Daveed Diggs, and Izabela Vidovic. it shows how one extraordinary boy with "special" needs can give more to his community then they can only imagine if given a chance. The movie hits theaters November 17th!
I find myself relating a lot to the topics of this book as I read it; I distinctly remember people staring at me as I drove my wheelchair up and down the halls using my head controls. I also really appreciate how the author takes the time to write from the different perspectives of the family members: August himself and then his sister as well as his parents. It gives a honest portrayal of how a disability impacts the family as a whole and not just the individual. I would recommend it for children and adults alike..
For more information about the movie and/or book, please go to:
I'm really looking forward to this movie which highlights the struggles of mainstreaming people with disabilities into public schools. Based on the New York bestseller, this movie follows August Pullman as he struggles to fit in on his first day of middle school; it's kind of hard though seeing as he was born with facial deformities that cause him to stand out in the crowd. This movie features an outstanding cast of Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson,Jacob Tremblay, Mandy Patinkin, Daveed Diggs, and Izabela Vidovic. it shows how one extraordinary boy with "special" needs can give more to his community then they can only imagine if given a chance. The movie hits theaters November 17th!
I find myself relating a lot to the topics of this book as I read it; I distinctly remember people staring at me as I drove my wheelchair up and down the halls using my head controls. I also really appreciate how the author takes the time to write from the different perspectives of the family members: August himself and then his sister as well as his parents. It gives a honest portrayal of how a disability impacts the family as a whole and not just the individual. I would recommend it for children and adults alike..
For more information about the movie and/or book, please go to:
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Between Heaven And the Real World:: My Story- Debbie's Review
Welcome Back~
Steven Curtiis Chapman's Between Heaven and The Real World: My Story gives fans an in-depth and candid look at his life. From his upbringing to the very start of musical career, it seems like the beginning of a fairytale. Not true. Everyone struggles. Even Steven. From a very young age, he fought feelings of inadequacy when it came to his relationship with his father as well as his musical talent, living in the shadow of his brother Herbie. Little did he know these experiences would teach them to rely on God in all aspects of his life; this would translate into an uncanny ability to create lyrics that audiences could relate to. Steven also is an open book (literally) when it comes to his personal life- including opening up about his marriage, adoption, and even the accident that changed his family's life forever.
Little is known about how the topic of adoption came about. 11-year-old Emily first brought up the idea when she started asking for a baby sister sister. But could they really handle the challenge? After all, the Chapmans already had three biological children of their own. But when Mary Beth admitted she always thought about about the idea of adopting a child from Asia. After Emily and her dad attended a fundraiser for Bethany Christian Services , Emily was more adamant than ever that the that the family should adopt. But Mary Beth still had roadblocks that needed to be removed before even thinking about adopting from China. First, she had read about the biological children restriction; she had read that China would not allow them to adopt. At the time of their initial interest, Bethany revealed that the restriction had been raised to allow more biological children. One roadblock removed. Mary Beth had also read that most children from China were 2-three years old, when she originally envisioned adopting a baby. Christian services actually reported that most babies were 8 to 10 months old. Check. One final question: What would they name the child if they were to adopt? Upon further discussion, she revealed how much she liked the Hannah. Then, her husband jokingly pointed out the similarities between Sarah and Abraham from the Bible and their family; both thinking they could not have more children in their old age. That brought up the idea of adding laughter somewhere in the name. The two soon forgot about it.
Later, Steven just happened to be reading a Reader Digest feature about a adoptive family trying to find a cure for their son, who had an unknown illness. His name included the Mandarin word for laughter in it. It was as if God himself was shining down on them, listening to every concern they had and answered it in his own unique way. Soon after, they traveled to China, welcoming Hannah (with the Mandarin word for laughter as her middle name- my apologies. I tried to find it exactly on the Internet, but couldn't) Chapman into the family. not long after, they added one more to the family named Stevie Joy. It was then that they realized the financial burdens that adoption causes for families and created the nonprofit organization Show Hope, which provides assistance for those willing to adopt from China.
Later, Steven just happened to be reading a Reader Digest feature about a adoptive family trying to find a cure for their son, who had an unknown illness. His name included the Mandarin word for laughter in it. It was as if God himself was shining down on them, listening to every concern they had and answered it in his own unique way. Soon after, they traveled to China, welcoming Hannah (with the Mandarin word for laughter as her middle name- my apologies. I tried to find it exactly on the Internet, but couldn't) Chapman into the family. not long after, they added one more to the family named Stevie Joy. It was then that they realized the financial burdens that adoption causes for families and created the nonprofit organization Show Hope, which provides assistance for those willing to adopt from China.
With Emily starting high school,, things were changing around the Chapman household. It was one week before Easter while touring in China when Steven first met Maria. She had been left by the riverbed and was later diagnosed with a birth defect, which caused her to have a hole in her heart. Originally she was For by an Australian missionary couple; but after being called back to the states, they cannot adopt her because of poor relationships of the countries. And so she had been passed on to Tim and Amy Haddon. There was a instant connection between Steven and Maria; soon, he felt, and urging to adopt her as well. Only one obstacle- getting everyone else on board. After he returned from the tour, however, he found adoption papers already signed by Mary Beth; he only needed to sign them to get the process. The Chapman family was soon complete.
On February 20th 2008, Maria began showing interest in God and his "Big, big house," Audio Adrenaline's song had been taught as part of Maria's preschool curriculum and she wanted to learn more about it. Not wanting to miss this opportunity to witness, Mary Beth called her husband into help. They talked about his house and how he paid the ultimate sacrifice so that someday she could come to live with him; but for now he would come into her heart-if only she would ask him. From that point on, Maria prayed a simple prayer and laid her heart out for all to see. After Maria was finished, Stevie Joy decided if Maria was going there someday, she'd like to go to. They repeated the process and then headed off to preschool where the teachers continued the celebration. Little did they know how important that day would become in the near future.
On May 21, 2008, their lives changed forever when Maria raced outside to meet Will as he rounded the driveway in this car. Maria was struck head-on and airlifted to Vanderbilt Medical Center. After trying everything, she did not survive
The family each grieved in their own way- Will feeling responsible for his sister's death, Mary Beth retreating into a deep depression. Steven kept reminding himself how the Lord gives and takes away.Yours later, that grief motivated them to create Maria's Big House of Hope- a medical center for children with special needs in the middle of China.
*I apologize if any of these specific details are off in terms of a timeline; I tried my best to paraphrase the details that touched my heart in the book. I'll always have a heart for adoption and helping those with special needs- though I will probably never be able to adopt because of my circumstances. But I do encourage those who will are intrigued by my summary of the book to read it on their own. I would also encourage them to take a look at the links below and consider contributing to the nonprofit organizations.
For more information about Steven Curtis Chapman,Show Hope, Maria's Big House,go to:
daily life,
disability and politics,
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
A Boy Called Po Trailer #1 (2017) | Movieclips Indie
Hey Guys~
Today I just happened upon a independent movie that explores the complex relationship between a boy with autism and his parent; it was called A Boy Called Po. Throughout this movie, the main character whose real name is Patrick struggles to find this place between the imaginary world. He creates in mind and the real world where he is coping with his mother's death and bullying at school. While his father struggles to branch the gap between him and his son, we are able to get a real-life glimpse of what is like to be labeled as Autism.
For more information about this movie: please go to:
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
THE GOOD DOCTOR Official Trailer (HD) Freddie Highmore ABC Drama
Welcome Back Readers,
Along with the topic of CP being highlighted in ABC's Speechless, the disability of autism has been added to ABC's lineup. The Good Doctor, which premiered on Monday, features a main character with high functioning autism, joining the ranks as part of the residency team at a local hospital. His job may be in jeopardy, though, because colleagues debate his competency to do with the drama and even appear for his interview-he is late, though, because he tries to save a child's life. The show premiered on Monday September 25 at 10 p.m.
For more information on this series, please go to:
Along with the topic of CP being highlighted in ABC's Speechless, the disability of autism has been added to ABC's lineup. The Good Doctor, which premiered on Monday, features a main character with high functioning autism, joining the ranks as part of the residency team at a local hospital. His job may be in jeopardy, though, because colleagues debate his competency to do with the drama and even appear for his interview-he is late, though, because he tries to save a child's life. The show premiered on Monday September 25 at 10 p.m.
For more information on this series, please go to:
daily life,
premiering premiering
Monday, September 11, 2017
Asperger's Are Us: Overcoming Stereotypes
Hey Guys,
I came across this comedy group documentary on Netflix. What's different about this group is that they have Asperger's syndrome. This syndrome is high on the autism spectrum, where they have difficulty communicating and maintaining meaningful relationships. This group consists of four friends including new Michael, Noah, Ethan, and Jack; they met at a camp for people with Asperger's and instantly bonded because of their love of comedy. From there, the dream of creating a comedy group was born. Albeit, some of it is difficult to understand and relate to, but these guys are living their dream despite their disability.
For more information, please go to:
I came across this comedy group documentary on Netflix. What's different about this group is that they have Asperger's syndrome. This syndrome is high on the autism spectrum, where they have difficulty communicating and maintaining meaningful relationships. This group consists of four friends including new Michael, Noah, Ethan, and Jack; they met at a camp for people with Asperger's and instantly bonded because of their love of comedy. From there, the dream of creating a comedy group was born. Albeit, some of it is difficult to understand and relate to, but these guys are living their dream despite their disability.
For more information, please go to:
Monday, August 28, 2017
Human by Christina Perri (cover by Carley Elle Allison)
Welcome Back Readers~
This YouTube video was done by Carley Allison. As a teenager, she was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on her trachea; it was operated on and she underwent chemotherapy. Though the treatment was successful for a short time, she was later diagnosed with a rare and interoperable form of lung cancer called Clear Celll Sarcoma. She died at age 19.
Her courageous story is told in the theatrical movie called Kiss and Cry. While watching this movie on Netflix, I was inspired by her take on the Kiss and Cry booth as a skater. Being a skater herself (as well as a singer, she said the kiss and cry booth reminded her not of the importance of winning, but the importance of getting back up and trying again. That's like life, isn't it?
For more on this amazing story and what her family is doing to keep Carley's memory alive, please go to:
The Kiss and Cry movie:
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Atypical | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
Dear Readers,
Another Netflix series highlights the trials and tribulations of having a teenager with a disability; this time it features a storyline of someone with autism. With a all-star cast, this series tackles what people with this disability encounter on a daily basis- from taking things literally in conversations to hypersensitivity to noises. This series also tackles the daily stress a disability has on the entire family as well. After only watching three episodes, I am impressed at how it is unfolding, however, I will be disappointed if the series ends with only seven episodes.. There are so many complex conflicts to uncover..
For more information, please go to:
Another Netflix series highlights the trials and tribulations of having a teenager with a disability; this time it features a storyline of someone with autism. With a all-star cast, this series tackles what people with this disability encounter on a daily basis- from taking things literally in conversations to hypersensitivity to noises. This series also tackles the daily stress a disability has on the entire family as well. After only watching three episodes, I am impressed at how it is unfolding, however, I will be disappointed if the series ends with only seven episodes.. There are so many complex conflicts to uncover..
For more information, please go to:
Monday, August 14, 2017
A Boy and His Dog- The Story of Haatchi and Owen
Welcome Back Everyone ~
I am always surprised how I come up with the articles for this blog, but then I reminded that God is in control of even the minute details. Take yesterday, for instance. I am eating at Red Robin and this story is on on the TV on ESPN. Granted, at first it caught my eye because the main protagonist of the story reminded me of Shane, a young man had dwarfism and the mainstream inclusion class that I was in. But that's a whole different story..
Anyway, I digress...
At first glance, this story seems like your typical assistance dog partnership. But it is so much more than that. You see, Owen was born with a rare syndrome, which causes his muscles to constantly be in a state of tension all the time. In London, only 10 other people have this disorder. Haatchi like his owner also has special needs; due to unfortunate circumstance, this Anatolian Shepherd was abandoned in Northern London by the railroad tracks at five months of age. During that time, he was hit by a train; that left no other choice but to have his leg and tail amputated
Due to Owen's syndrome, he often felt uncomfortable going out in his wheelchair. But that all changed when the dog came around.
For more information, please go to:
I am always surprised how I come up with the articles for this blog, but then I reminded that God is in control of even the minute details. Take yesterday, for instance. I am eating at Red Robin and this story is on on the TV on ESPN. Granted, at first it caught my eye because the main protagonist of the story reminded me of Shane, a young man had dwarfism and the mainstream inclusion class that I was in. But that's a whole different story..
Anyway, I digress...
At first glance, this story seems like your typical assistance dog partnership. But it is so much more than that. You see, Owen was born with a rare syndrome, which causes his muscles to constantly be in a state of tension all the time. In London, only 10 other people have this disorder. Haatchi like his owner also has special needs; due to unfortunate circumstance, this Anatolian Shepherd was abandoned in Northern London by the railroad tracks at five months of age. During that time, he was hit by a train; that left no other choice but to have his leg and tail amputated
Due to Owen's syndrome, he often felt uncomfortable going out in his wheelchair. But that all changed when the dog came around.
For more information, please go to:
Monday, July 10, 2017
To Joey, With Love: Official Trailer
Dear Readers~
Let me start out by saying I'm not a big country fan, but I can't believe I missed out on this amazing love story between Joey Martin and Rory Feek. Yes, I heard about her death, but was completely unaware about the underlying story of their daughter Indiana, having down syndrome. This couple faced to battles and came out with a stronger faith than ever. Though Joey died, her story lives on in the lives of her husband and daughter. For more on this story, you can see the full documentary on Pureflix or read his blog
His blog:
His Book:
daily life,
downs syndrome,
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Hearing is Believing Theatrical Trailer (2:18) - Rachel Flowers Movie
Welcome Back Readers~
I happened to be watching Home and Family on Hallmark when I
heard about the inspiring story of Rachel Flowers. She is a multi-talented
instrumentalist and composer who is blind. Born on December 21, 1993, Rachel
was 15 weeks premature and lost her eyesight as an infant due to Retinopathy of
Prematurity (ROP). When she was two years old, her mother taught her how to
play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on their ancient piano in order to discourage
aimless banging; little did she know that was just shouldn’t ensure that the
beginning-from then on, Rachel was determined to play every song she heard. Rachel
soon began attending at the Southern Conservatory of music at the age of two, studying
with Richard Taesch, Grant Horrocks, and David Pinto. In her spare time, she
began experimenting with Braille music code and other adaptive music
heard about the inspiring story of Rachel Flowers. She is a multi-talented
instrumentalist and composer who is blind. Born on December 21, 1993, Rachel
was 15 weeks premature and lost her eyesight as an infant due to Retinopathy of
Prematurity (ROP). When she was two years old, her mother taught her how to
play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on their ancient piano in order to discourage
aimless banging; little did she know that was just shouldn’t ensure that the
beginning-from then on, Rachel was determined to play every song she heard. Rachel
soon began attending at the Southern Conservatory of music at the age of two, studying
with Richard Taesch, Grant Horrocks, and David Pinto. In her spare time, she
began experimenting with Braille music code and other adaptive music
her first album is out on iTunes, which features original material. She
composed herself
her first album is out on iTunes, which features original material. She
composed herself
For more information about her story, please see one of the
following pages:
following pages:
Her website: http://rachelflowersmusic.com/
Rachel flower’s documentary, “Hearing is Believing”- https://www.facebook.com/HearingisBelievingFilm/
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Deaf Singer Gets Simon Cowell's GOLDEN BUZZER | Week 2 | America's Got T...
Welcome Back Readers~
Last night I was deeply touched by the story of Mandy Harvey on America's Got Talent. Studying to become a music teacher, Mandy developed a ear infection at age 18, which they later discovered was a connective tissue disorder. After learning that, she left school devastated that she would never say never again. Still,, the yearning to have her voice heard, lived on within her heart.. Now at age 29, she uses muscle memory and visual tuners to help her sing. "Music now isn't about the sound, it's about the feeling," she said. She continues, "It's not the dream that I always had, but tha okay because I showed up and I did something I never thought I could do." That reminded me of a quote from Soul Surfer, which is " The list of things have to relearn is extensive, but the things you won't be able to do are so small"
You go Mandy!
For more information on her story, go to
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
See What's In Store For the Roloffs This Season!
Welcome Back Everyone~
Okay, so it seems. I am a little late for this post,But the new season of Little People, Big World has already prepared on TLC. It aired on May 2, 2017 and it appears a lot of changes are in store, including the birth of Zach and Tori's new baby and Matt and Amy joining the dating pool shortly after their divorce. There is still time to catch up; I certainly will. The show is at 9 PM on Tuesdays on TLC.
For more information:
Sunday, May 28, 2017
My Take on The Shack- The Movie
Dear Readers,
I’m not sure how the topic of this post will be received because of its controversial topic. While the movie “The Shack” is not biblically based, I do see some striking similarities that may leave audiences more open to the idea of a relationship with Jesus-the one true
God. For those that are unfamiliar with the story, “The Shack” tells the story of a father unable to cope with the untimely death of his youngest daughter. I will spare you the gruesome details, but he is left feeling responsible. That is, until he receives an unlikely “invitation” from God himself to come back to where it happened in the hopes of getting him “unstuck.” Thus begins an amazing journey of spiritual transformation of love and forgiveness
God. For those that are unfamiliar with the story, “The Shack” tells the story of a father unable to cope with the untimely death of his youngest daughter. I will spare you the gruesome details, but he is left feeling responsible. That is, until he receives an unlikely “invitation” from God himself to come back to where it happened in the hopes of getting him “unstuck.” Thus begins an amazing journey of spiritual transformation of love and forgiveness
Now I know what you are thinking. I wish I could have a conversation with Jesus in the flesh to discuss my spiritual journey and obstacles in my life. But he does send us people in our
lives to advise and guide our steps. In this world of difficulty, it’s just hard to see him in our midst. I think Octavia Spencer says it best when as she portrays "“Papa” (one of the three parts of God) and says, “"Son,when all you see is your pain, you lose sight of me." Although the idea of God in three persons is biblically based, the way it’s portrayed is not exactly
true. Yes, Jesus is God in the flesh. He suffered on our behalf, but it is not exactly clear what God looks like.
lives to advise and guide our steps. In this world of difficulty, it’s just hard to see him in our midst. I think Octavia Spencer says it best when as she portrays "“Papa” (one of the three parts of God) and says, “"Son,when all you see is your pain, you lose sight of me." Although the idea of God in three persons is biblically based, the way it’s portrayed is not exactly
true. Yes, Jesus is God in the flesh. He suffered on our behalf, but it is not exactly clear what God looks like.
In another conversation with Jesus, Mack is still struggling to let go of his guilt over what happened and come to grips with the gift that he’s been given-the opportunity to talk over his grievances and believe again. In this scene, he is in a boat in the middle of the lake and it begins to turn black overtaking the boat and it begins to sink.This kind of reminds me of Matthew 14: 29-32, when Jesus beckons Peter to join him on the water and when he does, he can’t help but look down in doubt. In pretty much the same way during the “Shack” scene, Mack looks down and is overcome with fear , “Jesus” urges them to not look down, saying, "Don't look at it, Mack. Look here.. Don't think about the past, don't think about the pain..Look at me. Everything is going to be okay. Trust me, none of this can hurt
you. Just look at me and breath."
When things finally come down and the black lake disappears, Jesus urges Mack to continue with them, and walk on the water, but he is still unsure. He replies, “But I can’t. I will sink.” Jesus answers him, saying, "Not on your own. You can't... You're imagining a future without me and that future doesn't exist. I promised to be with you always right? And I'm right here."
But then that leaves the inevitable question, “Doesn’t God have the Ultimate Say?” To answer that question, Mack must come face to face with his idea of judgment as a woman named "wisdom forces him to reevaluate how he views certain people. His views are challenged when he is forced to choose which of his children are to go to Heaven and which to Hell. Obviously he can't make a choice and chooses to take their place. It is only then,, when there bodies fade away. "McKenzie, you've judged your children worthy of love- even if it cost you everything. Now you know Papa's heart." She continues explaining that while God gives us free will to be part of his family and make our own choices that leaves room for evil to find its way in. " He doesn't stop a lot of things that cause him pain. What happened to Missy was the work of evil. And no one in your world is immune to it. You want the promise of a pain free life. She continues, saying, "... As long as there's will in
this universe- free not to follow God, evil can find a way in."
These are just some of the highlights of my favorite parts of "The Shack" I would be more than happy to start an open discussion on what you guys thought of the movie. In some strange way, I feel closer to God after watching it. It is my hope that this movie can start an open dialogue about faith to your friends and family..
this universe- free not to follow God, evil can find a way in."
These are just some of the highlights of my favorite parts of "The Shack" I would be more than happy to start an open discussion on what you guys thought of the movie. In some strange way, I feel closer to God after watching it. It is my hope that this movie can start an open dialogue about faith to your friends and family..
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Until Forever - Teaser Trailer HD
Welcome back Readers ~
This morning I watched Until Forever on Pureflx; this movie was based on the real-life journey of 16-year-old Michael Boyum's journey coping with leukemia. Despite their youth, Michael and Michele were determined to cherish each other and live each day as if it was their last. Michael's faith was quite evident even during the last days. In that he visited other cancer patients sharing his reason for hope with others .
This movie inspired me to do the same-even though at times I feel my words don't have the effect they should.
For more information:
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Born This Way Season Three Premiere
Welcome Back Readers-
I am happy to report that Born This Way is back for its third season on A&E. After two seasons, the series has been begun to change peoples' views on those with disabilities; this is evident by the show receiving a Emmy for Best Unstructured Reality series, ending the two-year streak of The Deadliest Catch. This season holds changes for the whole gang- including a budding romance for Stephen and Megan, a independent living opportunity for Christina. How will the parents cope? I don't know, but I can tell you from personal experience that learning to let go of your children and see them fly and come into their own can be the most difficult thing. The series airs on Tuesdays at 10 PM.
I am happy to report that Born This Way is back for its third season on A&E. After two seasons, the series has been begun to change peoples' views on those with disabilities; this is evident by the show receiving a Emmy for Best Unstructured Reality series, ending the two-year streak of The Deadliest Catch. This season holds changes for the whole gang- including a budding romance for Stephen and Megan, a independent living opportunity for Christina. How will the parents cope? I don't know, but I can tell you from personal experience that learning to let go of your children and see them fly and come into their own can be the most difficult thing. The series airs on Tuesdays at 10 PM.
born this way,
daily life,
downs syndrome,
Independent living
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
My Birthday Adventures in Disney World, Part Three
Dear Readers,
Over the past few days, I have reminisced about my experiences at Disney World- both when I was younger and now. When my dad heard about this, he was able to dig out a picture of our first visit in February 1998. What a difference right? Unfortunately, my brother wasn't able to come with us that time. But my mom says there's always the possibility of us coming back and sharing the whole experience with my nieces.. Although they have already been there once it's always different together as a family. Even as I say that, I can't believe we would be sharing it with the next generation. Wow, how time flies!
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Debbie and family at Epcot- February 1988 |
Debbie and Family- April 2017 |
Our last day at Disney World was spent at Epcot (obviously); we got a late start that day because it was due to the hottest day.. The report was spot on! As we began our journey through the different countries,, I was taken back by enormous flower gardens and sculptures; the creativity it took to shape some of those plans into Disney characters (like Elisa from Frozen or Belle from Beauty and the Beast) is brilliant. In all, there are about 100 topiaries to admire around Epcot. For our first ride, we decided to go to on Spaceship Earth. For this ride, I had to transfer out of my wheelchair- but it was worth it. This ride takes you back in time from the Stone Age, showing the evolution of man. (I'm using the term "evolution"to mean the growth in man's intelligence; I do not believe in the theology of evolution.) What I liked most about the ride was the fact that it was interactive; it allowed riders in each seat to "choose" what their future looked like based on answering a few questions posed to them along the way.The pics captured at the beginning of the right are then placed in a video used to portray the future. This is something that riders can take with them if they supply their email in the database on computers near the ride.Another interesting fact is that the ride takes place "inside" the Epcot ball.
Next, we attended The Voyage of the Little Mermaid show. This 15 minute performance includes live puppetry with performances of popular songs from Sebastian the crab as well as Ariel. During the show, I felt like I was truly "under the Sea" because bubbles cascaded from the ceiling at one point.
What's a trip to Disney World without saying Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse? It's not a trip, of course! For the reason, I actually took some time to wait in line and meet the popular characters as well as get my picture taken with them. For those that say I'm too old for that, well, you are only as old as you feel. Here is two of my favorites.
After that, we continued our trek around the "world"stopping by Germany to look at the intricate Cuckoo clocks and then went to France to sample the delicious crepes (thin pancakes) that reminded us of Grandma (mom's mom). In one building, they even had a widescreen movie that gave us a tour of the country; we soared about the vineyards that created wine and went through famous churches. This gave us a in-depth view of the country without having to actually go there. One of the final things we did there was go to see The America Adventure at The World Showcase. This 30 minute performance utilizes audio- animatronics and film to go back in time and view the major events that made America the great country it is today.
Monday, May 8, 2017
My Birthday Adventures at Disney World, Part Two
Hello Again Everyone~
I hope you all have enjoyed reading about my adventures in the Magic Kingdom at Disney World. In this post I will share with you what I did during my second day on vacation at Hollywood studios. For this adventure, we had to take a bus; the buses must run back and forth every 15 to 30 minutes because we had to wait 10 minutes for ours. During that time I encountered a disabled intern working there in charge of the bus routes. I later learned that there was a special internship opportunities for college students wanting to work there during the summers..
But I digress...
But I digress...
A bus arrived to take us to a Hollywood Studios; this particular bus had a hydraulic system which lowered it to the ground for easier access. Then, a lift opened up and I got in with no trouble. At that point, they secured my wheelchair down with straps and we were on our way. Shortly after arriving my family and got a bite to eat. We then decided to attend the Beauty And the Beast: Live On Stage show. This 25 minute musical extravaganza highlights popular songs from the original movie. What makes this so different than the movie? First,the host selects a member from each audience to give a special rose to- it symbolizes the special bond, a father has with his daughter. Second, specific shows have real-time American Sign Language (provided by translators) for those that are deaf and hard of hearing.
After that we spent some time walking around the streets, sightseeing (and shopping) before going on The Great Movie Ride. This attraction is accessible to those in wheelchairs as well as those able to transfer in and out by themselves or with the help of other people. The ride insists of real-time clips of the greatest moments in movie history, as well as reenactments that put you right in the middle of the action. From there, we toured the Walt Disney: One Man's Dream "museum". It follows him through the monumental years of his career and gives people a in-depth glimpse on what it takes to create an animated film.
Another live show that I enjoyed was the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. This exciting show gives viewers a behind the scenes look at how stunts are filmed in the movies
After that we spent some time walking around the streets, sightseeing (and shopping) before going on The Great Movie Ride. This attraction is accessible to those in wheelchairs as well as those able to transfer in and out by themselves or with the help of other people. The ride insists of real-time clips of the greatest moments in movie history, as well as reenactments that put you right in the middle of the action. From there, we toured the Walt Disney: One Man's Dream "museum". It follows him through the monumental years of his career and gives people a in-depth glimpse on what it takes to create an animated film.
Another live show that I enjoyed was the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. This exciting show gives viewers a behind the scenes look at how stunts are filmed in the movies
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
My Birthday Adventures in Disney World Part 1
Back Readers~
30 years, I can finally say I’ve been to Walt Disney World twice in my lifetime.
The first time when I was seven years old or so and my parents wanted to show
their children a good time. This time, I am 37 years old and trying to
rediscover some of that magic and childlike awe we tend to lose in the process
of growing up, I can honestly say I’ve done that. In this post, I will highlight
some of my favorite activities to do in the Magic Kingdom that are handicapped
accessible for those in wheelchairs.
My mom
made reservations or three days at Disney’s Polynesian Resort, which incidentally
was the same hotel we stayed at originally. The resort still had its Hawaiian
style decor; however, it has seen its share of technological advances- like
electronic bracelets that allow you access to the hotel as well as the theme
parks. These bands are only available as part of a theme park package. Employees at the resort always seem to go above and beyond to make your stay extremely pleasant. For instance, once they heard it was my 37th birthday trip they gave me a "happy birthday" button. I wore it for next two days, getting several well wishes and even a few extra perks here and there.
settling in and getting a good night’s rest, we decided to go to the Magic
Kingdom first. Since we were at the resort, it is much easier to take the monorail or bus to all of the amusement. Getting on the monorail is simple, security personnel have little ramps which line up with the vehicle and allow you to drive your wheelchair inside. For a bus, the procedure is slightly different because they have lifts and tie-downs to secure the wheelchair in place. At any rate, we arrived at the Magic Kingdom just in time for us to see the Disney characters dance by the castle. "Inviting" us to enjoy the rest of our day.After that, my parents and I visited the Swiss Family Robinson attraction where they reminded me of the first time we had visited when my dad carried me to the very top of the treehouse. From there, we went on the Jungle Cruise ride.
If you are looking for a handicapped accessible
boat, you may have to ask for assistance. In which case, they may give you a
specific time slot where the boat is available. We had to wait until 1-1:30 PM;
the boat had a special ramp that lowered me down and then rotated my
wheelchair, so I was looking straight forward and could see either side of the
water Along the way, my tour guide pointed out
different animals; although these were animated, they gave a realistic
portrayal of what people would have encountered in the Amazon. There were also
waterfalls that kept people cool during the ride. At 3 o’clock, we stopped on Main Street and
waited for the Festival of Fantasy to begin. This parade highlights all of the
characters from Disney movies, including Beauty and the Beast and of course,
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Lauren Scruggs (Kennedy) on Home and Family: Reflecting Back on The Accident That Changed Her Life Forever
Dear Readers,
This next story came to my
attention because it was featured on Home and Family. Unlike most stories, I am
usually aware of the person being interviewed and their disability related
experience; this time I was not. It highlighted Lauren Scruggs (now Lauren
Scruggs - Kennedy) and the four-year anniversary of the propeller accident that
changed her life forever. Although she recovered after lots of rehab, the
accident left her with both physical and emotional scores- including the loss
of her left arm and eye. These days Lauren is looking forward to the future and
her new marriage; she is also using her experience to create awareness for those
who are financially unable to provide real life like prosthetics for their loved
For more information, please
go to:
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Encouragement Sidewalk Prophets- Help Me Find It (Official Lyric Video)
I was listening to the radio recently and came across Sidewalk Prophet's 2013 hit, "Help Me Find it." The song speaks to my season of life right now.. We sometimes struggle to find God in the ordinary tasks of our daily life: but He is always near!
Sidewalk Prophet's "Help Me Find It" Lyrics
I don't know where to go from here
It all used to seem so clear
I'm finding I can't do this on my own
I don't know where to go from here
As long as I know that You are near
I'm done fighting
I'm finally letting go
I will trust in You
You've never failed before
I will trust in You
(Chorus )
If there's a road I should walk
Help me find it
If I need to be still
Give me peace for the moment
Whatever Your will
Whatever Your will
Can You help me find it
Can You help me find it
I'm giving You fear and You give faith
I giving You doubt
You give me grace
For every step I've never been alone
Even when it hurts, You'll have Your way
Even in the valley I will say
With every breath
You've never let me go
I will wait for You
You've never failed before
I will wait for You
I lift my empty hands (come fill me up again)
Have Your way my King (I give my all to You)
I lift my eyes again (Was blind but now I see)
‘Cause You are all I need
It all used to seem so clear
I'm finding I can't do this on my own
I don't know where to go from here
As long as I know that You are near
I'm done fighting
I'm finally letting go
I will trust in You
You've never failed before
I will trust in You
(Chorus )
If there's a road I should walk
Help me find it
If I need to be still
Give me peace for the moment
Whatever Your will
Whatever Your will
Can You help me find it
Can You help me find it
I'm giving You fear and You give faith
I giving You doubt
You give me grace
For every step I've never been alone
Even when it hurts, You'll have Your way
Even in the valley I will say
With every breath
You've never let me go
I will wait for You
You've never failed before
I will wait for You
I lift my empty hands (come fill me up again)
Have Your way my King (I give my all to You)
I lift my eyes again (Was blind but now I see)
‘Cause You are all I need
Thursday, March 16, 2017
CP Awareness Month;Zach Anner follow-up
Welcome Back Readers~
Because it is CP Awareness month, I thought I'd highlight one of the most popular comedians with CP on YouTube, Zach Anner. Some of you may remember me highlighting him from Oprah Winfrey's Create Your Own Show on OWN. He completed against other contestants in an effort to pitch his own traveling show. In the end, Oprah couldn't choose between the top two finalists-Zach and his traveling show as well as Kristina Kuzmic-Crocco's cooking show (if I remember correctly.) He recently added the title of author to his resume, penned his own memoir entitled If at Birth You Don't Succeed: My Adventures with Disaster and Destiny. Unlike the inspirational approach, Anner chooses to make light of his disability never letting it stop him.
Also, this month, the CPF is having a fundraiser in order to raise money for their organization. It starts on March 25 and involves downloading a app on your phone and exercising.
For more information on raising awareness of CP, please go to:
For more information on Zach Anner or his book, please go to:
Because it is CP Awareness month, I thought I'd highlight one of the most popular comedians with CP on YouTube, Zach Anner. Some of you may remember me highlighting him from Oprah Winfrey's Create Your Own Show on OWN. He completed against other contestants in an effort to pitch his own traveling show. In the end, Oprah couldn't choose between the top two finalists-Zach and his traveling show as well as Kristina Kuzmic-Crocco's cooking show (if I remember correctly.) He recently added the title of author to his resume, penned his own memoir entitled If at Birth You Don't Succeed: My Adventures with Disaster and Destiny. Unlike the inspirational approach, Anner chooses to make light of his disability never letting it stop him.
Also, this month, the CPF is having a fundraiser in order to raise money for their organization. It starts on March 25 and involves downloading a app on your phone and exercising.
For more information on raising awareness of CP, please go to:
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Assistancee Dog Issue goes straight to Supreme Court
Welcome Back Readers~
I was watching the news last week and came across a interesting story; it involved a young girl with CP w(cerebral palsy) and her struggle to gain independence in school the help of her assistance dog Wonder. In 2009, Ehlena Fry and her goldendoodle Wonder were first paired together during training in Ohio; this opportunity made possible through a $13,000 fundraiser held by family and friends. The trouble began when they tried to transition Wonder to assist her during school hours .at first, the school agreed to a 30 day trial.This didn't work out as planned, however , and was marked with one obstacle after another. Eventually, the Fry family decided to change middle school.
Still, they believe the other school needs to be held accountable according to the Americans with Disabilities Act .
For more information on this story, please go to:
I was watching the news last week and came across a interesting story; it involved a young girl with CP w(cerebral palsy) and her struggle to gain independence in school the help of her assistance dog Wonder. In 2009, Ehlena Fry and her goldendoodle Wonder were first paired together during training in Ohio; this opportunity made possible through a $13,000 fundraiser held by family and friends. The trouble began when they tried to transition Wonder to assist her during school hours .at first, the school agreed to a 30 day trial.This didn't work out as planned, however , and was marked with one obstacle after another. Eventually, the Fry family decided to change middle school.
Still, they believe the other school needs to be held accountable according to the Americans with Disabilities Act .
For more information on this story, please go to:
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Looking Back at the Last Four Years of Independence...
Dear Readers,
It is with mixed emotions that I finally come to terms with moving out of my apartment next week.. That's right folks! After about four years of living independently, I will be moving back in with my parents until they figure out where they plan on retiring. It is not a decision I (or should I say we) came to easily, but the financial burden was getting to a bit much. For those living in Virginia, you understand exactly where I am coming from.
Still, living independently is something that I would encourage everyone with a disability to embark upon. Not only does it teach people what they are truly capable of, but give parents the benefit of knowing what it feels like to let go without the fear of ultimate failure. In other words, they are still around to teach them when necessary while giving their children the freedom to make mistakes...
Let's take a look back at my journey. When we first moved to Virginia in 2008, I found it difficult to make friends. My family and I spent several months settling in and trying to find a church we felt comfortable with. After looking at several prospects, we finally decided on a church whose main goal was teaching straight from the Bible, verse by verse. It was there that I met Sadie and we developed a friendship. Beginning December 4, 2011, we discussed our dreams of living independently and toyed with the idea of becoming roommates. Like myself, Sadie was determined to spread her wings and fly! Looking back, I feel as if this was God's plan, giving us the opportunity to prove our capabilities to our parents. My parents weren't exactly comfortable with the idea of me living by myself, so this was a logical compromise. That way, they knew someone would be there in in the evenings (as well as at night) in case of emergencies.
In January 2012, we finally signed a one-year lease for a two bedroom apartment;its location was close enough to my parents that they could come help when needed. Little by little we begin to make that apartment our home, adding sparks of color (and accent walls!) Along the way I learned important lessons about cooperation and compromise. At first, I spent a majority of my time working on this blog; never giving up hope that I would find a job. Occasionally, we would have friends from church over for movie nights and to celebrate birthday parties. We both thrived until unforeseen difficulties caused my roommate to have to move out. This left me reeling, wondering how all of this fell into God's plan. But you know what they say- When God closes a door, he opens a window. It was around that time (or earlier) that I was hired to write blogs on website accessibility. My parents were still unsure about my ability to live on my own but figured since I was financially stable, I should at least finish the lease.
I continued to work for the remainder of the lease, but felt the apartment was a little too big for one person. For a while, I wasn't sure whether a one bedroom apartment would open up and I have to move back in one my parents; sometime during Christmas break I was notified that one had became available- an early Christmas present. So on February 19, 2013, I began transferring my belongings from one apartment to the next with the help of some friends from church. Although I had lived independently before, it was an exhilarating feeling knowing I was completely on my own. I was responsible for paying the bills as well as making the place my very own. In other words, I was now a part of the typical workforce, getting up early in order to telework several hours a day.. In the process, I dealt with my share of personal assistant problems; this reiterated the value of advocacy on a daily basis and making sure my voice is heard.
All in all it has been amazing five years; during which I've gained the self-confidence of knowing what I am truly capable of. It's been a roller coaster of emotions but that's just a part of life;as my college pastor used to say, "Exp|ct the unexpected." While moving back sometimes feels like a step backwards for me, I have to believe God has something bigger in store for my future- and this was just a glimpse into what is humanly possible..I haven't given up hope that I will settle down permanently- with a full-time job and a place of my own (maybe even a boyfriend!) It just isn't my time yet..
Until then, I will have fond memories to look back on and am forever grateful for the experience. I just need to to where my primary focus should be- trusting God to provide for the future like he always has. Maybe this time back home will rejuvenate my faith..
( This will be my last post from the apartment; all other posts will be from my parent's place! Internet will be disconnected sometime tomorrow.. Chuckle)
daily life,
Independent living,
Saturday, February 11, 2017
I'm Not Ashamed: Official Movie Trailer (2016)
Welcome Back
few weeks ago I had the opportunity to watch "I'm Not Ashamed." This
movie chronicled the life of Rachel Scott. Most people remember her for her
faithful declaration of Jesus on April 20, 1999 during the Columbine High
School massacre; what they don’t realize is the journey it took to get there.
On the outside, she was a typical teenager who struggled to be a part of the
“in” crowd at school while dealing with feelings of insecurity. Her parents
felt they had no other choice but to send Rachel to her aunt’s for the summer;
during which time, she had a spiritual breakthrough.
Back at home, Rachel
feels conflicted. She tries to stay connected to her old friends while staying
true to her newfound faith- it doesn’t work.
the movie came to mind during a recent sermon from church. It centered on our
eternal inheritance; In Luke 10:25, an expert tries to trip up Jesus by questioning
his teachings. He asked, “…What
must I do to inherit eternal life?” Instead of answering him out right, he turns
the question back at him saying, ‘What is written in the Law?”’ he replied. ‘How do you read it?’ In other words, Jesus wonders about
the expert’s interpretation and understanding of the Law. At first, he answers
almost verbatim to that of the first commandment (as written in Mark 12: 12);
In verse 27, the lawyer answers, “… Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and,
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” The conversation continues with Jesus replying
as follows, “You have answered correctly… Do this and you will live.”
The expert attempts to justify
himself by inquiring further as to who exactly is his neighbor. This is where
the parable of The Good Samaritan comes into play. What's my point in using this as an example? Loving others isn’t always easy; many times we
find ourselves
outside our comfort zones. For Rachel, this meant putting her faith on display several times on and before that fateful day in April. One instance of love iin action is one she befriends Nathan, a homeless teenager on the streets and invites him to youth group. Not only does he get a place to stay,, but realizes the importance of having only faith.
The next sermon focused on the two distinct perspectives Christians can have towards their relationship with Jesus-doing things for Him versus Getting To Know Him Intimately. While God appreciates our showing love towards the community, he puts greater value on our personal relationship with Him. Why? For starters, it gives new meaning to our actions; we understand and begin to see things from God's perspective rather than our own. Don't get me wrong, God values what we do as long as it is for the right reasons. Take a look at God's response for supporting evidence in Luke 10:41- 42
In short, I would highly recommend renting I'm Not Ashamed. Although the content is highly thematic and suspenseful (because of its Subject matter and PG rating). It is very inspirational and moving.
I have included the theatrical trailer below as well as the lyrics to Plumb''s Need You Now (How Many Times)
Need You Now (How Many Times)
by Plumb
Well, everybody's got a story to tell
And everybody's got a wound to be healed
I want to believe there's beauty here
'Cause oh, I get so tired of holding on
I can't let go, I can't move on
I want to believe there's meaning here
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this?"
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you
God, I need you now
Standing on a road I didn't plan
Wondering how I got to where I am
I'm trying to hear that still small voice
I'm trying to hear above the noise
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this?"
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you
God, I need you now
Though I walk,
Though I Walk through the shadows
And I, I am so afraid
Please stay, Please stay right beside me
With every single step I take
How many times have you heard me cry out?
And how many times have you given me strength?
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this?"
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
I need you now
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
I need you now
I need you now
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